Station 4 (Reader's Theater)

Teacher Preparation: Check out from a public library or buy Reader's Theatre for American History by Anthony D. Fredericks. Make 6 copies of pages 113-117. Staple and highlight the play for each child.

Student Directions: You are going to do a reader's theater about the Great Depression called A Bowl of Soup, a Piece of Bread. Pick up a script from the table and flip through the play to note all of your lines (they are highlighted). Read through the play together as a group.

Now, talk about these questions while filling out your graphic organizer as a group:
  • What was an interesting fact that you learned from reading this play?
  • What was the President doing to help the people?
  • What solutions did the people have to make their lives better?
  • Why were their lives hard?
Read more great reader's theaters in Reader's Theatre for American History by Anthony D. Fredricks.

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